Meet the team

Jen Westervelt

Lead Pastor
Pastor Jen is a fully ordained Elder in the Genesis Conference of Free Methodist Churches and serves as cvfree's Lead Pastor. Jen is most likely to call you out if you don't have your daily supply of veggies. You can find her in a pile of sticky notes.

John Albrecht

Pastor John is a fully ordained Elder in the Genesis Conference of Free Methodist Churches and is certified with the FMCUSA Chaplain Ministry. John is most likely to rip off his sleeves and head bang to double pedal Jesus metal. You can find him at campfires or BBQs.

Cathy Albrecht

Director of Operations
Cathy is a Consecrated Deacon in the Genesis Conference of Free Methodist Churches and serves as cvfree's Director of Operations. Cathy is mostly likely to say ``That's my JAM!`` for every song at every cvfree service. You can find her thrift store shopping. 

Charles Kibbe

Director of Guest Services
Charles is a Conference Ministerial Candidate in the Genesis Conference of the Free Methodist Churches. Charles is most likely to say, "Ask my wife," even though the question is about him. You can find him at 3:30 am working out followed  by a plate of Oreos at 3:30 pm.

Jim Potter

Director of Creative Arts
Jim serves as cvfree's Director of Creative Arts. Jim is most likely to get a Buffalo Bills tattoo. You can find him anywhere there are instruments.

Jamie Potter

Director of Family Ministries 
Jamie is a Conference Ministerial Candidate in the Genesis Conference of Free Methodist Churches and serves as cvfree's Director of Family Ministries. Jamie is most likely to have a cup of cream and sugar with a side of coffee. You can find her wearing flip flops in three feet of snow.