Our Mission

Our Beliefs
There is but one living and true God, the maker and preserver of all things. And in the unity of this Godhead there are three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that the only way to a healthy connection with God and His Saving Grace is through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, living a life transformed through Holy Spirit. We value the relationships we develop with one another; through worshiping, learning, serving, and just plain having fun, we strive for relationships that go beyond surface-level acquaintances, and that cultivate a healthy and enriching relationship with Jesus.
"What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions?" James 2:14
As Christ followers, our journey can’t stop with just understanding our beliefs and theology. We have to always be asking the Lord for guidance regarding how best to connect with our community. Not only do we worship here, we live, work, and play here. Chenango County is our home, too, and we very much want to see the blessings of God pour out over this area. We believe God is already moving the mountains that would trap us and cause us to feel defeated.
We believe God is already working in the lives of our neighbors in order to offer a better alternative to what we’ve accepted but wish could be changed. We believe God is going to illuminate the darkness and shine the light of the “Son” over our home. Join us as we seek to bring hope back to Chenango County through the power of Jesus.